Online catalogue of the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the library network

Library documents, acquired in the academic library network since 01.01.2003

NALIS Union Catalogue – national catalogue of the academic libraries in Bulgaria

Free access to the bibliographic data of over 3 500 000 books, periodicals, maps, graphics, digital copies.

Online resources with national subscription (accessible through each IP address of the network of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

Web of Science Core Collection


Your Content Goes Here

Web of Science е is a full-text database with over 59 000 000 publications since 1898. It includes editions in all the fields of science. Each record includes also the bibliographical citations and quotations to and from other database records.

WoS provides visual presentation of the citation relations and a textual and graphic citation report.


SCOPUS is a full-text database and citation review tool of over 15 000 000 publications in over 40 000 scientific editions – journals, books and collections from different conferences.

The database scopes 5 000 publishers in the field of physics, engineerings, natural sciences, health care, social sciences and humanities.


Science Direct е is a full-text database of 10 000 000 publications (including 250 000 publications on free access) from over 2 500 journals and over 33 000 books, reference editions, serials and handbooks of Elsevier Publishing.

These publications are in the following fields of sciences – physics and engineering, natural sciences, health care, social sciences and humanities.

On-line resources with subscription of the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (accessible through each IP address of the network of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)


A multi discipline database, developed specially for academic institutions. It contains more than 8 500 full-text journals and 7 300 are reviewed; the database provides scientific information from almost every field of the academic knowledge.

The archive of more than 100 titles begins from 1887. For more than 1400 titles it is possible to make references by citations. The journals are in PDF and so they are easily accessible for the users.


JSTOR is a multi discipline scientific data base with an archive, big in scope and content, containing over one thousand leading academic journals in different fields. All the titles are presented in full text from their first issue.

We are subscribed only for the collections, which respond to the scientific interests of the BAS scholars – Sciences and mathematics, Arts, Humanities, History, Social Sciences, Law.


The biggest Russian electronic library of scientific publications, containing over 26 millions scientific publications and the electronic versions of over 5 300 Russian scientific journals, 4  500 from them on free access. Retrospective scope since 2007.

Since the beginning of 2018 the Russian Academy of Sciences has provided free full-text access to its scientific journals in this portal 1 year after their official publication.

On-line resources with temporary access (accessible through each IP address of the network of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

De Gruyter

(accessible from 1 April to 31 May 2023)

De Gruyter provides access to a rich collection of 354 journals of different international scientific societies in the field of chemistry, mathematics, biology, metallurgy, physics, engineering, geosciences, lingistics, law, history,art, sport etc.

Taylor and Francis ebooks platform

(accessible from 3 July to 3 September 2024)

The collection includes over 150 000 titles published up to 2023 except from those with DRM protection and textbooks. The major part of the titles are either part of Routledge Imprint or CRC Press Imprint.


(accessible from 1 March to 30 April 2025)

BiblioRossica is a project of Academic Studies Press and includes over 29 918 titles up to 2024. The focus is on humanities and social sciences and the platform is devoted to the modern Slavic and Jewish studies. The selection is made by leading experts in the relevant scientific fields with thematic collections spanning works in history, philosophy, linguistics, art, sociology, and more.