The Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is an independent specialized structure, which performs the following activities:
- Creates collections of Bulgarian and foreign literature and data bases according to the scientific profile of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Together with the special libraries provides library and information services, including access to foreign data bases
- Develops the integrated automated library and information system ALEPH500 and creates informational infrastructure. The Central Library plays a leading role in the building of a National Academic Library and Information System. The Central Library has provided its records for machine reading to be included in NALIS Union Catalogue – the national catalogue of the academic libraries in Bulgaria and participates actively in the initiative of FNALIS for retro conversion and digitalization of the literature, rare and valuable editions from the period of the National Revival.
- Participates in national and international networks and systems, contracts and projects for providing to the scientific and applied investigations; for informing leading libraries in the world about the newly published Bulgarian literature; for digitalization and preservation of the cultural and historical heritage.
- Develops and enriches the electronic catalogue; presents the library collections in Internet; develops an authorized data base for the author responsibility, subject headings and titles.
- Performs exchange of library documents with other libraries, archives, museums, scientific associations and other institutions in the country and abroad in order to build the library collections and to distribute the academic publications abroad.
- Provides and exchange bibliographic records with leading libraries in the world.
- Provides information about the science in Bulgaria for different national and international reference editions, publications, institutions, information and computer networks.
- Performs scientific, investigation, applied, publishing and introduction activities in the field of the library and information sciences and technologies of the Bulgarian studies. The Central Library acts as a consultative centre for the requiries, connected with MARC 21 format, provides expert evaluation in the field of the librarianship and bibliography in accordance with the latest world trends and publications and popularize them in Bulgaria.
- Organizes schools and provides education base for students and for qualification of specialist in the field of library and information sciences.