On the 4th July 2018 at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” was officially presented the project BG05M2OP001-1.001-0001 “Building and development a centre for supreme achievements “Nasledstvo.bg”, funded under the operational programme “Science and education for smart growth”, priority axis 1 “Research and technological development”. The real project activities started with the signing of the contract on the 28th February 2018.
The leading organization is the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“. There participate also 11 other scientific, educational and cultural institutions: the Technical University of Sofia, the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the National Sports Academy Vassil Levski, the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography at the BAS, the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with the Ethnographic Museum at the BAS, the Institute of Art Studies at the BAS, the Institute for literature at the BAS, the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Center at the BAS, the Institute of Balkan Studies and Center of Thracology at the BAS, the Cyril and Methodius National Library and the Regional History Museum Sofia. In addition to the main participants in the project are included several associated partners, including the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Among the goals of the project is to build a modern research infrastructure for new technologies in the creative and recreational industries (centre for supreme achievements “Nasledstvo.bg”). With the successful implementation of this project, the partner organizations hope to succeed in revealing and promoting the vast cultural and natural resources of Bulgaria, to provide innovations based on different samples of it, to prepare young scientists by engaging them in a real scientific and development process, to develop methodologies and standards for the evaluation of cultural heritage sites, improving the potential for applied research and innovation, etc. All these activities will contribute to important and urgent tasks in the rapidly developing modern world, such as bringing our country closer to the leading European and world scientific centers and enhancing the science-business relationship.
In addition to the participants in the project, there were representatives from similar institutions, organizations, businessmen and journalists. After the video presentation of the project and the relevant participants, which had been prepared by a team of student television “Alma Mater”, the project leader Ph. D. Ivan Ilchev presented the initiative, as well as the tasks and activities that will be carried out within its framework. His presentation was complemented by brief presentations by each one of the participating organizations. At the end the project team was congratulated by the Minister of Culture Mr. Boil Banov.
For more information about the project: http://www.nasledstvo.bg/
Contact the project team: project@nasledstvo.uni-sofia.bg
- Multimedia presentation of the project
- Prof. Olya Harizanova