General collections of the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:
2 010 139 library units:
- books – 1 040 145 volumes,
- periodicals – 938 787 volumes,
- special editions – 31 207 volumes.
International exchange with over 1 447 institutions and libraries in 73 countries, yearly acquisition of 2 240 periodicals and over 1 872 books; all academic editions (editions of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) are disseminated – over 800 monographs and over 14 500 periodicals.
Special collections of the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:
- old printed editions – 1095 volumes;
- microfilms of Slavonic and Greek manuscripts – 350;
- Synai Collection (microfilms of Greek, Arab, Syrian, Georgian, Slavonic manuscripts) –1677;
- Slavonic Studies – 3289 volumes;
- reprints – 1837;
- theses, defended in Bulgaria – 11 552 volumes;
- microfilms of contemporary editions;
- editions of the World Bank;
- editions of UN;
- Bulgarian Academica (Editions of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), reference books – over15 000 volumes;
- Book science, library science, bibliography – over 7 000 volumes.
Private collections:
Petar Abrashev, corresponding member of BAS; еngineer Hristo Aleksandrov; Marko Balabanov, member of BAS; academician Angel Balevski; Nikola Vankov, pedagogue; academician Vladimir Georgiev; Ivan Evstratiev Geshov, member of BAS; Prof. Nikolay Dilevski; Prof. Zhivka Dragneva; Tsola Dragoycheva, a public figure; nun Valentina Drumeva; Gavril Zanetov, historian and ethnographer; Prof. Vasil Zlatarski, member of BAS; Vicho Ivanov, writer; Yordan Ivanov, member of BAS; Prof. Asen Ignatov; Atanas Iliev, member of BAS; academician Nikolay Iribadzhakov; Assoc. Prof. Yaroslav Yotsov; Spiridon Kazandzhiev, member of BAS; Felix Kanitz, foreign member of the Literary Society; Ivan Kasabov, member of BAS; Georgi Kirkov, member of BAS; academician Dimitar Kosev; academician Konstantin Kosev; Prof. Nikola Milev; Stoyan Mihaylovki, member of BAS; Prof. Nayden Monchev; Nikola Nachov, member of BAS; Stefan Panaretov, member of the Literary Society; research associate Tatyana Polyanska; Stoyan Radev, writer; Georgi Rizov; Prof. Rusi Rusev; Nikola Sakarov, economist; afademician Blagovest Sendov; Stanimir Stanimirov, historian; corresponding member Atanas Stoykov; Vasil D. Stoyanov, member and founder of BAS; academician Nikola Sabotinov; Prof. Toma St. Tomov; Andrey Toshev, member of the Literary Society; Stefan Toshkovich, Prof. Veselin Traykov; Ivan Urumov, member of the Literary Society; engineering Kiril Cholakov; Marin Cholakov; Stoyo Shishkov, еthnographer and folklorist; academician Ivan Yuhnovski; Prof. Naum Yakimov.

Traditional catalogues on paper carrier
General alphabetic catalogues
- books in Bulgarian; foreign language books in Cyrillic alphabet;
- книги на чужди езици на латиница; списания и вестници на кирилица;
- journals and newspapers in Roman alphabet;
- graphics; maps and charts;
- general geographic catalogues: periodicals in Cyrillic alphabet;
- periodicals in Roman alphabet.
General subject catalogues
- books, acquired till 1982 – according to the Book Classification Scheme in the scientific and big libraries in Bulgaria;
- books acquired in the period 1983-1992 – according to LBC (Library and Bibliographical Classification);
- Books acquired after 1993 – according to UDC (Universal Decimal Classification.
Alphabetic catalogues
- private collections;
- special collections;
- theses, defended in Bulgaria.