On the 28th November 2019 (Thursday) at 06.00 pm in the reading room “Acad. Stefan Panaretov” in the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences was celebrated the 90 anniversary from the publication of the illustrated anniversary album“Half a Century Bulgaria”. The almanac, published and compiled by the writer Evgenia Mars, presents the first 50 years of the post-liberation period of the country (1878-1928). It contains publications by 70 prominent public figures, politicians, writers and people related to culture and politics, as well as 150 photographs, reproductions and photos of different famous builders of the newly liberated state. So, the evening became a great occasion to render homage and pay attention to the personality of Evgenia Mars herself that unfortunately is not so well known. She seems to remain more in the shadow of Ivan Vazov and in the role of his muse and support. All the guests had the opportunity to see the special exhibition, dedicated to the writer and the almanac, which was presented in the foyer of the Central Library. Among the organizers of the event was also the literary salon “Evgenia Mars”, which continues to preserve the literary tradition thanks to different activities and events. The event was officially opened by Dr. Silviya Naydenova, Director of the Central Library. Special guests were the daughter-in-law and granddaughter of Evgenia Mars Lilyana Elmazova and Maria Elmazova. The album was presented by Prof. Milena Kirova, a lecturer at the Sofia University. After that Zhivka Simova, the author of the most serious book about the writer, Kristin Dimitrova from the Sofia University, Lyudmila Malinova from the Institute for Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Georgi Tsankov, literary critic and relative of Evgenia Mars and the journalist Georgi Papakochev also spoke about Evgenia Mars and her work. Papakochev. At the end, Lilyana Elmazova, the writer’s daughter-in-law, shared her personal memories with the public.