The Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences digitalizes the most valuable documents from its archives and collections and presents to the public digital collections on free access. The aim is to preserve the literary heritage, which has been stored in the library for over 150 years since its foundation.
- ATHENA Plus – Photographs
- Library Vasil Stoyanov
- Library Marko Balabanov
- Library of Stanimir Stanimirov
- Library of Stoyan Mihaylovski
- Library of Felix Kanitz (title pages)
- Books from the period of the Bulgarian National Revival
- Newspaper Zora Digital Collection
- Newspaper Mir Digital Collection
- From the personal library of Felix Kanitz
- The literary heritage of Marin Drinov
- Collection Bulgarian studies abroad
- Theses
- Collection History of Bulgaria
- Neumes
- International congresses on Bulgarian studies OCR
- Periodical Journal of the Bulgarian Literary Society
- Folklore and Ethnography Collection
- Journal of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Колекция “Училищен преглед”
- Periodicals and Literature : Volume 6. Literary Magazines and Newspapers, Hybrid Magazines, Comic Editions (1921-1925)
- Photo Papakochev
- Publications of Vasil Todorov, lawyer
- Slavonic Manuscripts from the library of Saint Catherine’s monastery in Sinai (microfilms)
- Slavonic manuscripts from the British Library (microfilms)
- Students project Librarianship
- Foreign Old Printed, Rare and Valuable Edition
- Foreign Old Printed, Rare and Valuable Editions (title pages)